
Wednesday, 25 December 2013

How to Automatically Shut Down Your Computer ?

At some time you forget to shutdown your computer/laptop. So for that here provide how to your computer shutdown automatically at specified time by you.

Here some steps for automatically shutdown your computer :

Step 1 : open Notepad from start menu.


Step 2: write down following code into notepad

@echo off


if %time%==00:00:00.00 goto :X

goto :W


shutdown.exe /s /f /t 60 /c “Go to bed!!!!!!”


Note :

Here in %time% tag specify the duration.

After that duration your computer is going to shutdown.

Step 3: change your code At when you wanna shutdown your computer

If suppose I wanna shutdown my computer at 17:35:30:00 then write code like this :

@echo off


if %time%==17:35:30.00 goto :X

goto :W


shutdown.exe /s /f /t 60 /c “Go to bed!!!!!!”


note : here time is in format of HH:MM:SS:MS, so please follow this format if you are not follow that format then it’s not working properly.

Step 4 : Now Save your Notepad file. For save Goto File>save As Or Press CTRL+S From keyboard


Step 5 : In Save as type , select All Files


Step 6: Now in file name type “timer.bat” and click on save button


Note : .bat file is batch file

Now your batch file is created on Desktop.


Step 7: Now double click on that file , and minimize that file when you wanna shutdown your computer as specific time


Note : when that time is comes than this time one message is pop-up . that message is display around 60 sec and then your Computer is going to shutdown.

How to Automatically Shut Down Your Computer ?